"What is Mr. Winkle" is a series of photographs celebrating the many
faces of the insanely cute Mr. Winkle, each image a hilarious and adorable
interpretation of what this chameleonic little canine could be. . . A wind up
toy? . . . A hamster with a perm? . . . An ancient demon?
The project was inspired by the incredibly funny reactions to Mr. Winkle
every time Regan took him in public. "It's an alien!" screamed the cable repair
man. "It's a cat in a dog suit," surmised an out-of-work actor. "It's the
reincarnation of the divinity!" enthused a woodworking poet. Kids of all ages
are especially mesmerized by Mr. Winkle, most believing he is a stuffed animal
come to life or an embodiment of their favorite pop culture character - Pokeman,
Ewok, Japanese cartoon character - Mr. Winkle resembles them all.
"After a year of Winklemania," says Regan, "I knew I had to do something to
share Mr. Winkle with the world. His cuteness is almost too overwhelming for one
person to take!"
Already a cult celebrity in his California neighborhood where he takes his
daily walks, Mr. Winkle is eager to expand his exposure, especially if it will
bring joy to children. His goal is to do all he can to make ALL THINGS WINKLE a
success, so that generous portions of proceeds can be used to help animals and
children in need.